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Our Connections Ministry wants to get to know you so we can help you find your place in our church. Are you new to the faith? Interested in learning more about the Bible? Fill out a connection card with your request and you will be contacted. 

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Bible Studies & Small Groups

All are invited to join small groups for study, conversation and growing together in Christ. 

  • Neighborhood Groups:
    Small group gatherings are offered for adults or younger men and women. 


  • Youth Groups:
    Children and teen Sunday morning classes provide spiritual formation and age appropriate Christian nurture. 


  • Diss Belief
    Bring your questions and doubts to this class that offers real answers to the faith questions of our day.


  • Evangelism:
    Instruction and training in evangelism for those who wish to learn and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Thursdays at 6:30pm EST

Peace & Justice Ministry

Covenant Kids with Volunteer from

Food donations collected from Trader Joe's are distributed to area soup kitchens and youth development programs. 

Riverside also supports voter education and awareness through online forums, creative programming and information distribution.

For event info visit:

  • Facebook



Our praise and worship musicians lead Sunday morning services and other special times of worship.

  • Our Intercessory Prayer Team leads a weekly morning prayer session
    and offers or organizes prayer as needed.

  • Pastor Georgia leads a women's only prayer line on Wednesday and Friday mornings. 

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Giving & Stewardship

We are generous givers who wisely gather and steward the resources given us through God's faithfulness and people's enthusiasm. 

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